
Survey: How much time should be spent in the mining engineering degree program on teaching mining related computer software


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Software survey

Davood Bahrami, PhD
Research Assistant Professor
Mining Engineering Department
Mackay School Of Earth Sciences and Engineering
University of Nevada, Reno,  
1664 N. Virginia St., MS 173
Reno, NV 89557-0173
Phone:  (775) 784-4210
Fax:    (775) 784-1833

Dear Colleague:
We would like to ask for your help filling out the online short questionnaire.  The department is evaluating how much time should be spent in the mining engineering degree program on teaching mining related computer software.  Some of the problems being considered are, i) the growing amount of software which is used in mines, ii) the time spent teaching software to students is time not spent teaching the fundamentals of mine design etc., iii) the need for students to understand the theory behind the software and its limitations, and iv) the learning time needed by students to be able to use the software effectively in class projects.
The information you provide by completing this questionnaire will be compiled and summarized, and the results will be distributed to all who participated in the survey. In addition, at the next Society of Mining Professors meeting, in June, this topic is on the agenda and this information will be useful data for the discussion. We certainly appreciate any time you can provide to complete this questionnaire. If you have any comments relating to the topic which the questionnaire does not cover, please include them in your response. 
 To take the survey please click or go to the link:
In your response please type the name of the software that is taught as part of a course, a short course, or by itself. Please use the form for one software item. You may forward the link to this form to each faculty who is responsible for teaching or using software, in order to speed up the collection of responses if it is deemed necessary. Click on "Next" button at the bottom of this page to go to next page for further instruction on adding more responses and sending your survey.  On this last page Click on "Done/Send" button at the bottom of this page to send the survey. This will send the survey and also take you back to start of a blank survey page to make another response for additional software.  You may repeat or recycle the form by using your browser's "Back" button to go back to the survey page and modify the form. Using the latter option, your information is restored in the survey page for you to modify. Every time you are done with the form for one software, simply click on the "Done/Send".  Thank you for your participation.

Best Regards,

Davood Bahrami, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor

Danny L. Taylor, P.E., Ph.D.
Chair and Professor of Mining Engineering

Pierre Mousset-Jones, Ph.D.
Professor of Mining Engineering


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